We would like to ask for your kind support in developing the World Theatre Festival Shizuoka into a further multifaceted and sustainable international theater festival.

We would like to ask for your kind support in developing the World Theatre Festival Shizuoka into a further multifaceted and sustainable international theater festival.
World Theatre Festival Shizuoka, held by SPAC every year in the holidays from late April to early May, is a festival allowing visitors to experience excellent performing arts in Japan and abroad, as well as providing an occasion when artists, audiences, and regional residents have direct exchange beyond the national or regional borders. It is a representative international theater festival in Japan and is also attracting attention from abroad.
Now we have experienced the COVID-19 pandemic, the value of meeting people face-to-face and the role of culture and the arts that enriches our daily life is becoming even greater. On the other hand, the economic environment to keep holding international theater festivals, such as the surge in travel and transportation expenses or exchange rates, is becoming very harsh.

In light of this situation, we have sought support from companies, groups, and individuals who share the purpose of our festival and have an understanding of culture, the arts, and social contributions. We have received endorsements from the following people, to whom we express our heartfelt gratitude and introduce here.

Festival partners

and 5 other partners

Poster support members

ASAKAWA Kiyoshi, ISHIDA Ichiou, INOUE Satsuki, Executive committee of the Slow Movement Shizuoka, TAKI Yoko, TANAKA Eiji, tosa, NAGAPEA, NISHIMURA Takahiro, HIRANO Shinobu, FUKUDA Junko, Mineko, WATANABE Musashi
and 11 other members

Festival partner

Application deadline: April 13, 2024

Partner who strongly supports and giving boost to the World Theatre Festival Shizuoka together

100,000 yen per share (tax included)

Return for support
(1) One person is invited to all the performances at the World Theatre Festival Shizuoka.
* We would like to confirm the actual date of your attendance at a later date.
(2) Shaubühne goods (with the autograph of Thomas Ostermeier and MIYAGI Satoshi) will be presented.
(3)You are invited to an exchange event with MIYAGI Satoshi and other artists.
* Details on the event including the date and time will be notified at a later date.
(4) Your name will appear on each of the items below to acknowledge your support.
(i) “SUPPORT” page of the website of the World Theatre Festival Shizuoka
(ii) Reception counter of each performance
(iii) Official SNS of SPAC
* You may also decline the acknowledgment.
(5) Thank you letter from SPAC actors and staff members will be sent to you after the conclusion of the festival.

Poster support

Application deadline: April 13, 2024

In return for your support, a poster of “The White Fox” (not for sale, with 50 limited prints) will be presented. Please boost the festival with us by putting up the posters or by taking photos and posting them on SNS!

50,000 yen per share (tax included)

Return for support
(1) B2-size poster of “The White Fox” (not for sale, with 50 limited prints) will be presented.
1 poster will be presented per share. For those who applied for two or more shares, please specify the numbers you need up to the number of shares.
* Posters will be sent on March 27 and thereaft
(2) Your name will appear on each of the items below to acknowledge your support.
(i) “SUPPORT” page of the website of the World Theatre Festival Shizuoka
(ii) Reception counter of each performance
(iii) Official SNS of SPAC
* You may also decline the acknowledgment.
(3) Thank you letter from SPAC actors and staff members will be sent to you after the conclusion of the festival.


Company and group sponsorship

A|Signboard sponsorship  Application deadline: March 31, 2024

Your ads will be shown on the signboards within the Sumpu Castle Park, the venue for “The White Fox.”

A-1|Low-height signboard sponsorship: 200,000 yen per sponsorship share (for one signboard) (tax included)

Size H900mm×W3600mm
Place of installation Near Momijiyama Garden Square and Higashi-Gomon Square in Sumpu Castle Park
Installation period Five days from Thursday, May 2 to Monday, May 6 (substitute holiday), 2024

* Multiple sponsorship shares can be applied.
* Please provide the logo to be shown on the signboard. You can also design freely within the designated space (in either case, please submit full data for printing).
* Expenses for the manufacturing, installation and removal of the signboard are included.


A-2|Square pillar signboard sponsorship: 100,000 yen per sponsorship share (for one side) (tax included)

Size H2100mm×W900mm (for one side)
Place of installation Near Higashi-Gomon Square in Sumpu Castle Park
Installation period Five days from Thursday, May 2 to Monday, May 6 (substitute holiday), 2024

* Upper limit: Two shares (for two sides)
* Please provide the logo to be shown on the signboard. You can also design freely within the designated space (in either case, please submit full data for printing).
* Expenses for the manufacturing, installation and removal of the signboard are included.


A-3|Tent sponsorship: 200,000 yen per sponsorship share (for one tent sheet) (tax included)

Size H1700mm×W3500mm
Place of installation Near Momijiyama Garden Square in Sumpu Castle Park
Installation period Five days from Thursday, May 2 to Monday, May 6 (substitute holiday), 2024

* Upper limit: Two shares (for two tent sheets)
* Please provide the logo to be shown on the signboard. You can also design freely within the designated space (in either case, please submit full data for printing).
* Expenses for the manufacturing, installation and removal of the signboard are included.


A-4|Back panel sponsorship: 100,000 yen per sponsorship share (two spaces in one set) (tax included)

Size 約H1490mm×W1040mm (for one space)
Place of installation In Shizuoka Arts Theatre
Installation period Four days from Friday, May 3 to Monday, May 6 (substitute holiday), 2024

* Please provide the logo to be shown on the signboard (please submit full data for printing).
* Expenses for the manufacturing, installation and removal of the back panel are included.


A-5|Signboards sponsorship package:

(1) Sponsorship: 600,000 yen (tax included) → 480,000 yen (tax included)

A-1) Sponsorship for one low-height signboard
A-2) Sponsorship for one side of a square pillar signboard
A-3) Sponsorship for one tent sheet
A-4) Back panel sponsorship (two spaces in one set)

(2)Sponsorship: 500,000 yen (tax included) → 400,000 yen (tax included)

A-1) Sponsorship for one low-height signboard
A-2) Sponsorship for one side of a square pillar signboard
A-3) Sponsorship for one tent sheet

(3)Sponsorship: 400,000 yen (tax included) → 320,000 yen (tax included)

A-1) Sponsorship for one low-height signboard
A-3) Sponsorship for one tent sheet

(4)Sponsorship: 300,000 yen (tax included) → 250,000 yen (tax included)

A-1) Sponsorship for one low-height signboard or A-3) Sponsorship for one tent sheet
A-2) Sponsorship for one side of a square pillar signboard

B|Website sponsorship  Application deadline: April 13, 2024

Your name (logo) will be shown on the top page of the website of the World Theatre Festival Shizuoka.

Logo banner (large): 150,000 yen (tax included) for sponsorship
Logo banner (medium): 100,000 yen (tax included) for sponsorship
Logo banner (small): 50,000 yen (tax included) for sponsorship

Posted on The top page of the website of the World Theatre Festival Shizuoka
Posted period From Friday, March 8, 2024 *Logo banners will be shown in a sequential order for those applying after March 8.

Reference) Page view for FY2022: 20,071 users, 86,096 page views
FY2023 (as of the end of January): 14,683 users, 65,269 page views


* Please provide the logo to be shown on the website (please submit full data).

C|Sponsorship in kind  Application deadline: April 13, 2024

We would like to ask for sponsorship by providing the actual equipment and materials that will be necessary for the performances at the World Theatre Festival Shizuoka.

Sponsorship: Provision of products equivalent to 100,000 yen or more

– Wood and metal materials and tools necessary for the production of sets and props
– Fabric necessary for the production of costumes
– Lighting and audio equipment
– Equipment for showing subtitles
– Accommodation and meals for the actors and staff of works invited from abroad

* Your name will be shown on the pamphlet of the work performed for your sponsorship on a certain work.

Return for sponsorship
(1) Your name will appear on each of the items below to acknowledge your support.
(i) “SUPPORT” page of the website of the World Theatre Festival Shizuoka
(ii) Reception counter of each performance
(iii) Official SNS of SPAC
* You may also decline the acknowledgment.
(2) One person is invited per sponsorship of 50,000 yen (tax included).
* Please choose from “Friends,” “The Seagull,” or “The White Fox.”
(3) Pamphlets and sample products of your company will be distributed to the audience (about 5,500 people).

How to apply

Please apply via the online application form or with the application sheet.
As for application using the application sheet, please submit the sheet via mail, fax, e-mail, or at the reception counter of the theater.
We will send you back a written request for payment with deposit account information. Please transfer the money to the account. We also accept cash payments at the reception counter of the theater.
(*Please make the payment by April 19.)

[Festival partner]
●Application form

●Please download the application sheet from here.
Word | PDF

[Poster support]
●Application form

●Please download the application sheet from here.
Word | PDF

[Company and group sponsorship]
●Application form

●Please download the application sheet from here.
Word | PDF


SPAC-Shizuoka Performing Arts Centre
TEL. 054-203-5730 (Shizuoka Arts Theatre)/ 054-208-4008 (Shizuoka Performing Arts Park)

SPAC supporting member

We are also widely recruiting SPAC support members who can support the activities of SPAC throughout the year.

Corporate support members 

and 5 other companies

Corporate special support members 

Individual support member 

OMURA Takashi, SATO Noriko, TAII Ryo, TAKI Yoko, HATTORI Katsuhiro, HIRANO Masahiko, MIYAGAKI Soichiro, YAGI Isao
and 3 other members

Individual special support members 

SAEKI Kazato, YAMADA Yurie
and 1 other member

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